Why Is My Water Heater Leaking?

Why Is My Water Heater Leaking?

  • Water Heating
Is your water heater leaking? Our experts at MillTown can walk you through the common signs, causes, and how to fix this issue!

Water heaters are essential appliances in our homes, providing us with hot water for showers, cooking, and cleaning. However, they can sometimes develop issues, and one of the most common problems homeowners encounter is a leaking water heater. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the reasons behind water heater leaks, signs to watch out for, and steps to address the issue. Whether you have a traditional tank water heater or a tankless one, understanding the basics of how they work can help you maintain and repair them effectively. If your water heater is leaking, contact us today at MillTown Plumbing for water heater repair

Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into the specifics of water heater leaks, it’s essential to understand the basics. Water heaters can run on various fuel types such as gas, propane, oil, and electricity. Regardless of the type, water heaters work by using a heating element to raise the water temperature inside the tank or heat exchanger. There are two main types of water heaters: tank and tankless.

  • Tank Water Heaters: These heaters store and heat a specific amount of water in a tank. They maintain the water temperature constantly, ensuring hot water is readily available when needed.
  • Tankless Water Heaters: Also known as on-demand water heaters, these systems heat water on the fly, providing hot water instantly when you turn on the tap.

Signs of a Leaking Water Heater

Detecting a water heater leak early is crucial to prevent further damage. Look out for these telltale signs:

  • Puddles of water around the base of the heater
  • Damp walls or floors nearby
  • Reduced hot water supply
  • Strange noises coming from the heater
  • Corrosion on water heater connections
  • The pressure relief valve leaking
  • Broken drain valve on water heater

Why Is My Water Heater Leaking?

Several factors can lead to water heater leaks. Here’s a list of common reasons:

  • Sediment buildup in the tank
  • Corrosion on the tank’s interior
  • High water pressure
  • Loose or damaged connections
  • Aging water heater
  • Temperature and pressure relief valve issues

The Importance of Prompt Action

Ignoring a leaking water heater is not just an inconvenience; it can have serious consequences for your home and your finances. Here’s why taking prompt action to address a leaking water heater is absolutely crucial:

  • Water Damage: A leaking water heater can cause extensive damage to your home’s structure and materials.
  • Mold and Mildew: Excess moisture from the leak can foster mold and mildew growth, compromising air quality and posing health risks.
  • Reduced Energy Efficiency: A leaking water heater works inefficiently, leading to higher energy bills and potential long-term damage.
  • Escalating Repair Costs: Delaying repairs can turn a minor leak into a major issue, increasing the cost of fixing or replacing the unit.
  • Safety Concerns: Leaks can create safety hazards, including gas buildup in gas water heaters or electrical hazards in electric units.
  • Loss of Hot Water: A worsening leak can result in a complete water heater failure, disrupting your daily routines and necessitating immediate attention.

Steps to Diagnose and Address Leaks

If you suspect your water heater is leaking, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the power: For electric heaters, switch off the circuit breaker. For gas heaters, set the gas valve to the “pilot” position.
  2. Shut off the water supply: Turn off the cold water inlet valve to stop water from entering the heater.
  3. Drain the tank: Connect a hose to the drain valve and empty the tank into a floor drain or outside.
  4. Inspect for leaks: Carefully examine the tank, connections, and relief valve for signs of leakage.
  5. Address the issue: Depending on the cause, you may need to replace a faulty part, tighten connections, or call a professional for repairs.

When to Seek Professional Help

While some water heater issues can be DIYed, it’s important to know when to call in the experts. If you’re unsure about the severity of the problem or lack the necessary skills and tools, don’t hesitate to contact professionals like us, MillTown Plumbing for water heater maintenance and repair services. 

Is Your Water Heater Leaking

In conclusion, a leaking water heater is a common problem that should not be ignored. Understanding the basics of how water heaters work and being aware of the signs and causes of leaks can help you take prompt action. Remember that timely maintenance and professional help, such as the services offered by MillTown, can extend the life of your water heater and ensure a continuous supply of hot water in your home. Don’t wait until it’s too late – address water heater leaks promptly to avoid costly repairs. For more information about water heater repair services, contact us today!

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By brenna@admachines.com

Winter Guide to Gas Hot Water Heater Maintenance

Winter Guide to Gas Hot Water Heater Maintenance

  • Water Heating
Winter Guide to Gas Hot Water Heater Maintenance

Winter Guide to Gas Hot Water Heater Maintenance

The winter season is almost here, which means it’s time to prepare your home for the snow and frigid temperatures. You’ve insulated your plumbing, cleared your gutters, and prepped the standby generator, but there’s one appliance you can’t forget. Just like the furnace, homeowners will rely on their gas water heater during the winter season, but your gas water heater is just as strained from use due to the drop in temperature. Proper maintenance for your gas water heater not only ensures you can enjoy heated water throughout the holiday season, it prevents a plumbing catastrophe. Read on and be prepared with our winter guide to gas hot water heater maintenance.

How You Can Prepare Your Gas Water Heater this Winter

A damaged gas water heater poses a lot of problems beyond the frustration of a lack of hot water. Over time and use, your gas water heater can wear down, especially for homes that run on hard water. Pipes can rust and contaminate your drinking and bathing water, a leak can cause costly water damage, and even worse, your gas water heater tank can explode. Luckily with proper maintenance, you can enjoy your heated water without a plumbing catastrophe. Here’s how you can stay warm and dry this winter season.

  • Flush your gas water heater. Your water heater works the hardest during the winter season, and over time mineral deposits can settle at the bottom of the tank and break down the water heater. Mineral deposits prevent your gas water heater from operating efficiently and it can clog your water lines. That’s why it’s important to flush your gas water heater at least twice a year to clean out the mineral deposits.
  • Check the pressure valve. Your gas water heater has a pressure valve called the TPR valve that releases pressure whenever the tank becomes over pressured. To test your TPR valve, life the trip lever on the valve and release it again. You should see some water exit or hear a faint hint of air exiting the valve. If you don’t see anything exit the valve or water just keeps flowing out, you might need to replace the TPR valve. It’s a good idea to check your gas water heater’s pressure valve every six months to check for clogs or leaks.
  • Check the filters. Some gas water heaters have a filter to catch any problematic debris. Your water heater works best when it’s clear and clean of sediment and debris, which is why it’s important to routinely clean or replace your filters if your gas water heater has one.
  • Inspect the thermostat. Some heating problems aren’t caused by the appliances themselves, but a malfunctioning thermostat. A functional thermostat is important for all your heating appliances, as it prevents your gas water heater from overworking itself to keep up with inconsistent temperature settings.
  • Check the anode rod. The anode rod is another important component of your gas water heater that works to capture any corrosive material in the water. Your gas water heater tank is susceptible to rust and corrosion, which is why it’s important to occasionally check the anode rod. Watch for any calcium deposits, missing parts, or if the rod itself has dissolved to less than half inch thick. Anode rods can last up to 5-10 years, but they can last longer if routinely cleaned.
  • Adjust the temperature. The winter season makes it difficult to be energy efficient, especially when you heavily rely on your heating appliances. Adjusting the temperature setting on your gas water heater, however, can save in energy costs and prevents your gas water heater from overheating.
  • Insulate your tank and pipes. Just like the rest of your plumbing this winter season, a little insulation can go a long way. Covering the tank and attached pipes with an insulated material can help to keep the hot water in the pipes warmer for an extended period of time.
  • Clean out air intake and exhaust vents. Like your furnace, your gas water heater needs proper ventilation in order to function. Snow is a common issue for your gas water heater’s air intake and exhaust vents during the winter season. Snow and other debris can clog inside the vents and cause damages to your gas water heater. Fencing off snow and installing a metal mesh to keep pests out helps to keep your vents clear and water heater running efficiently.

Stay Warm this Winter by Taking Care of Your Gas Water Heater

A home with a damaged gas water heater makes for a miserable holiday season. A poorly maintained gas water heater is more than a nuisance, but a costly plumbing problem. Luckily you can stay warm and dry thing winter with routine maintenance. Proper maintenance however, can only help so much; sometimes you’ll need professional help. A licensed plumber can help guarantee your gas water heater is fully functional and prepared for the incoming winter season. Don’t wait until there’s water in the basement, call a plumber today.

Call Milltown Today If Our Winter Guide To Gas Hot Water Heater Maintenance Revealed Your Water Heater Needs Service!

By Milltown Plumbing