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3 Signs You Need to Consider Air Conditioning Replacement in Lowell, MA

3 Signs You Need to Consider Air Conditioning Replacement in Lowell, MA

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AC- Heater Units are an energy saving solution

With the summer months coming, you’re going to quickly remember how much you love your AC. That is, if it’s working correctly. When it comes to AC repair, most homeowners put it off as long as they can, which makes sense; why pay when you don’t have to? Putting it off, however, is just delaying the inevitable, and when the signs arise that it’s time for repair, and it’s time to consider air conditioning replacement in Lowell, MA, you have to act quickly.

Below are a few signs you should consider the investment in a new AC unit.

  1. A Hot House: It makes sense that your house would be hot if your AC unit isn’t in working order and not doing it’s job. One of the quiet signs, however, is uneven heating. If your home isn’t the correct temperature everywhere you have your unit running, it may mean that the unit is running out of juice and can’t keep up any longer. Replacement or repair is the only way to get the sweet coolness back during those summer days.
  1. Energy Costs Higher than the Temperature Outside: Do you know how much your AC costs you to run per month? If it’s older, it’s probably more than you want to admit. As with all appliances, as they get up there in years, AC units deteriorate and lose efficiency. This, in the long run, will cost you more and more as the bills go up every month. Newer units will not only be efficient like the original unit when it was first installed, but even more so after recent developments in energy efficiency.
  1. Sneaky Leaks: How often do you inspect your AC unit for leaks? If the unit is getting up there in age, you should be checking it frequently. Over time, as units become less efficient and begin to malfunction, moisture will start to pool around the unit. This can lead to mold growing inside and around the unit, with the unit spreading the spores around your home. Additionally, any leaks of the cooling fluid freon could be hazardous to your health, and should be fixed immediately.

If your AC unit is an antique and not working as it should, it’s smart to replace it before the summer days come in full swing. For any and all air conditioning replacements in Lowell, MA, call MillTown Plumbing today.

By Milltown Plumbing